LAM organizes the 2D WORKSHOP / 9 JUNE 2023

The workshop will focus on important current trends and activities in the area of preparation, characterization and application of 2D materials in general as well as on current capabilities in the field of 2D materials in Slovakia. It will also serve as a networking opportunity, aiming to facilitate possible scientific collaborations.
When: 9 June 2023
Where: Comenius University Science Park, (link:, Ilkovičova 8, Bratislava
Registration: There are no registration fees. We kindly ask the participants to register via the following link – REGISTRATION no later then 8 June 2023.
Programme: The workshop programme will be organized into two morning sessions and one afternoon session. Two coffee breaks are included, lunch will not be provided.
Confirmed speakes:
Milan Sýkora (Bratislava, SK)
Establishing Laboratory for Advanced Materials at Comenius University
Jaroslav Fabian (Regensburg, DE)
Current trends in physics of 2D materials
Peter Šiffalovič (Bratislava, SK)
Overview of applied 2D materials research at Institute of Physics SAS
Ľuboš Mitaš (North Carolina, USA)
Quantum Monte Carlo for systems with strong correlations and spin-orbit interactions
Ivan Štich (Bratislava, SK)
DFT and Quantum Monte Carlo calculations of 2D materials
Marius Kadek/ Michal Repiský (Tromsø, NO)
First-principles modelling of 2D materials using relativistic all-electron Dirac-Kohn-Sham theory based on Gaussian-type orbitals
Martin Gmitra (Košice, SK)
Aspects of proximity effects in van der Waals heterostructures
Ján Minár (Plzeň, CZ)
Electronic structure, correlations and excited states of topological quantum materials
Michaela Sojková (Bratislava, SK)
Preparation of 2D Materials by CVD and PVD methods
Milan Sýkora (Bratislava, SK)
2D Nanomaterials Prepared by Bottom-up Chemical Methods
Martin Hulman (Bratislava, SK)
Raman Spectroscopy of 2D Materials
Viera Skákalová (Bratislava, SK)
Synthesis and properties of 2D metal iodides/graphene heterostructures