LAM seminar series: Fascinating insights into the Nobel Prizes: Origin, Laureates and Ceremonies

LAM seminar series: Fascinating insights into the Nobel Prizes: Origin, Laureates and Ceremonies

Lecture title: Fascinating insights into the Nobel Prizes: Origin, Laureates and Ceremonies

Presented by: Mgr. Martin Venhart, PhD., Institute of Physics SAS

Time and place: The lecture will take place on Friday, January 26th, 2024, at 10:00 am, in the large conference room of the Comenius University Science Park.

Abstract. The Nobel Prizes for Physics, Chemistry, Physiology and Medicine, Literature and Peace have been awarded since 1901. In 1969, the Swedish Reichsbank Prize for Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel was added, which is often referred to as the Nobel Prize for Economics. As part of the lecture, we will look at how these awards actually came about, how the laureates are selected, we will present interesting cases of awardees and we will not avoid controversies either. Finally, we’ll talk about the ceremony itself, including some of Queen Silvia and Crown Princess Victoria’s evening gowns.

About the speaker. Martin Venhart is an experimental nuclear physicist. He earned his PhD. degree in 2008 at Comenius University. Then he went to Katholieke Universiteit in Leuven, Belgium, where he spent two years as post-doctoral researcher. Since 2010 he works at Institute of Physics, Slovak Academy of Sciences, where he led Department of Nuclear Physics. His experimental focus is on the nuclear structure of isotopes with odd mass number. He has been pursuing his experimental research program at CERN-ISOLDE facility, Cyclotron laboratory of the University of Jyväskylä, Finland and at iThemba Labs at Cape Town, South Africa. He is actively collaborating with University of Liverpool, University of Warsaw and Australian National University. He is the author or co-author of approximately 80 original articles in internationally refereed journals. He chairs a successful series of international conferences on nuclear structure ISTROS, held biannually in Slovakia. In 2021, Martin Venhart has been elected for position of the First Vice-president of Slovak Academy of Sciences. He is a member of several scientific councils, boards of supervisors and boards of trustees. He represented Slovak Republic in ISOLDE Collaboration Commitee at CERN and presently represents the Institute of Physics in NUPECC, Expert Committee of the European Science Foundation.
