Archive 2021

LAM research presented at the Student Science Conference at STU

LAM PhD students, Mgr. Ivana Božeková and Mgr. Filip Zechel, presented their latest research results on preparation and applications of metal and semiconductor nanocrystals at the 23rd Slovak Student Scientific Conference, which took place on November 24, 2021, at the Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology STU in Bratislava under the title “Chemistry and Technologies for Life“.

LAM seminar series: Photocatalysis and Photocatalytic reactions

Lecture title: Photocatalysis and photocatalytic reactions

Presented by: Prof. Ing. Kamila Kočí, PhD. Laboratory of heterogeneous photocatalysis, Institute of Environmental Technology, CEET, VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic

Time and place: Friday, 27 August at 11:00 in the large lecture room of the Comenius University Science Park (room 187).


You can find an abstract and a short biography of the lecturer in the attached invitation [.pdf]

LAM research at the CU Student Science Conference

LAM students Mgr. Ivana Božeková, MSc. Mini Rajendran Gokul Raj and Mgr. Filip Zechel participated in student science conference organized by the Faculty of Natural Sciences on April 19-23, 2021. At the conference the students presented results of their research results on metal nanocrystals, graphene quantum dots and semiconductor nanocrystals, respectively.

LAM students awarded UK Student Grants

Research proposals developed by LAM PhD students Mgr. Ivana Božeková, MSc. Namrata Jaykhedkar, MSc. Mini Rajendran Gokul Raj and Mgr. Filip Zechel for the Comenius University Student Grant competition were all funded. Congratulations to all and good luck with your projects!

LAM at NextStepScience Conference

LAM Director Dr. Sykora and LAM research administrator, Mgr. Žárska particpated at the online Conference organized by NextStepScience (, which took place via Zoom on 17. March 2021. The conference focused on professional networking between people looking for carrer oportunities in natural sciences and local companies, start-ups, enterpreneurs, initiatives and inspiring individuals from science and technology. LAM was one of the thirteen invited organizations. At the conference Dr. Sykora presented to the attendess information about the goals, scientific focus and career opportunities at LAM and answered number of questions to  interested particpants.

LAM at Faculty of Natural Sciences Open Day 2021

The Open Day event – a unique opportunity for the Faculty of Natural Sciences to present its research and educational programmes – was held online this year, with more than 220 active participants and several members of LAM team. The Laboratory for Advanced Materials and its research activities was presented by the LAM director, Dr. Milan Sýkora. Thank you to all participants & we are looking forward to welcome you next year! More information can be found here.